Red Lion launches Mentoring Programme with East London Business Alliance
Chambers launched the 2020-2021 Mentoring programme in partnership with ELBA on 2nd December.
The soft launch saw presentations from both Chambers and ELBA. A competitive sifting process meant students participating were all at different stages in their studies.
16 mentors, 6 of whom were Queen's Counsel, were placed with 16 mentees and sent to virtual breakout rooms to meet, share knowledge and exchange ideas.
RLC members taking part included Gillian Jones QC, Riel Karmy-Jones QC, Jenni Dempster QC, Michelle Nelson QC, Michael Goodwin QC, Cameron Brown QC, Hannah Willcocks, Sailesh Mehta, Alistair Fell, Lucy Ginsberg, Sam Roake, Genevieve Reed, Nicholas Hall, Caroline Baker, Georgia Lassoff and Zoe Chapman.
Michelle Nelson QC, RLC Mentoring Lead said:
"Chambers put a lot of thought and work into the ELBA Mentoring programme and how we can best aid those looking for a career at the Bar. We now have a more structured programme with an online library of materials and resources available to our mentees. We will hold a number of mentoring sessions throughout the next few months and hope the programme will culminate in a mock trial."
For more information please see: [RLC Social Responsibility] and [Shift25] for our other partnered initiative with [ELBA].